
We have conducted research and consulted to numerous non-profit organizations.  We help improve the service non-profits provide to their supporters and to their beneficiaries.

  • Executive survey for the Delaware Public Service Commission to support merger proceedings.  By design, participants represented a range of stakeholders and consisted of advocates, public utility regulators and senior management at public utilities.
  • Survey for the Oakland Museum of California to learn how OMCA is perceived by Oakland area residents and to determine how it can better engage the community.
  • Survey of people who had donated to a non-profit organization to determine how the organization can best serve the community; the programs people would like to see provided and supported, their preferred method of communication from the organization and their primary motivations in making contributions.
  • Engagement with a regional arts organization to: 1) uncover case studies of ways grants assist the fields to which they are allocated, 2) determine the state of the practice of government evaluation and measurement of the impact of grant making and 3) uncover case studies of the economic impact of the arts.
  • Case-study research with executive directors of botanic gardens in the United States to guide the development of a new gardens in Fort Collins, Colorado.
  • Study that gathered all of the primary research that had been conducted in the previous ten years concerning peoples’ attitudes about air quality, the importance they place on air quality and the sacrifices they are willing to make to improve air quality.
  • Survey for a museum to determine area resident’s level of satisfaction with the existing exhibits, classes and concerts, and to learn what people feel should be added to or modified at the museum.